مرحبًا بك في عالم الكتابة والإبداع، فنحن جميعًا نسعى دائمًا لتقديم مقالات مميزة وذات جودة عالية. ومرحبا بكل زوار لموقعك افاليدا دوت كوم، نتمنى ان تكونوا بخير وعلى خير وفي تمام الصحة والعافية باذن الله ، سنضع بين ايديكم اليوم ان شاء الله مقال جديد بصبغة جديدة وهذه المرة سنتحدث عن فرص عمل تطوعي في إسبانيا لعام 2024 تابع معي القراءة للنهاية وشارك المقال مع اصدقائك لتعم الفائدة فضلا ليس أمرا تابع معي لمعرفة كل التفاصيل ، لعلنا نفيدك
فرص عمل تطوعي في إسبانيا لعام 2024

Spain offers volunteer opportunities 2024-2025
Activity dates
From 12/01/2025 to 13/03/2025
Activity location
Albergue municipal s/n, Orgiva, Spain
Activity topics
- Citizenship and democratic participation
- Environment and natural protection
- Health and wellbeing
Volunteers will be part of the ongoing investigation and establishment of regeneration through direct seed sowing.
Volunteers will dedicate from 30 – 38 hours weekly to the project. These activities include: Reforestation activities 4 mornings a week: sowing seeds in Sierra Lujar, harvesting seeds, building seed protectors, creating and digging swales and survival counts of previous plantings. Participation in lectures and workshops once a week about sustainable lifestyle, regeneration, permaculture, deep ecology, project design…etc. There will be an emphasis on self (health) care practices 3 days a week in the afternoon: yoga, qi gong…etc. In addition, once a month each volunteer will receive a body-care treatment which they can personally choose from a list of professional practitioners around Orgiva. Community care. Volunteers will be guided in co-living. This includes group meetings, organisation of the week, shared responsibilities such as cooking and cleaning, etc..
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements
Food and accommodation, small allowance and travel costs to and from the destination costs will be covered by the ESC. We encourage volunteers green travelling, The activities will take place in Orgiva and surroundings, Sierra Lujar. Orgiva is a town with a lot of diversity of activities and culture. Volunteers will be hosted in shared accommodation in the Albergue of Orgiva. All meals will be cooked by the volunteers on a rotational basis and will be vegetarian. Meals will be eaten together. Transport to and from the Albergue to the reforestation site will be with electric bicycles
Training during the activity
Knowledge in regenerating landscapes, skills in direct sowing techniques, community living precepts, cultural awareness, responsible consumption, ecology, permaculture, health, self care and body care, basic vegetarian cuisine Each volunteer will have a mentor with which they can meet one afternoon a week to discuss the wellbeing, development and learning path. During the placement, the volunteers will have the opportunity to learn and practice Spanish as well as English. The OLS platform provided by the ESC will also facilitate the learning of these languages.
Participant profile
Basic level of English and Spanish desiderable Physically motivated – as the activities require strength and stamina to be up in the mountains on steep slopes and overgrown (prickly) areas. Motivation and Interest- in the topics of regeneration, eco-sustainability, environment, healthy lifestyle, personal development, interculturalism, community life. Disposition to dialogue- among the participants, with organisations, with the mentors, with the rural area and with the host community Flexibility, team work- willingness to participate in group dynamics for team cohesion and personal growth. In taking this short term ESC you are still compatible for long term placements.
For more information about the project visit: www.semillistas.es, If you feel the call, we encourage you to read carefully all the detailed information of the project on our website.
You can sign up through filling out our inscription form: https://forms.gle/1DQeGpvJS23iZXJ98
Deadline for applications
Application deadline: 23/10/2024 23:23