مرحبًا بك في عالم الكتابة والإبداع، فنحن جميعًا نسعى دائمًا لتقديم مقالات مميزة وذات جودة عالية. ومرحبا بكل زوار لموقعك افاليدا دوت كوم، نتمنى ان تكونوا بخير وعلى خير وفي تمام الصحة والعافية باذن الله ، سنضع بين ايديكم اليوم ان شاء الله مقال جديد بصبغة جديدة وهذه المرة سنتحدث عن التسجيل للإستفادة من دراسة اللغة الألمانية مجانا بألمانيا 2025 تابع معي القراءة للنهاية وشارك المقال مع اصدقائك لتعم الفائدة فضلا ليس أمرا ، تابع معي لمعرفة كل التفاصيل ، لعلنا نفيدك ولو بالقليل
التسجيل للإستفادة من دراسة اللغة الألمانية مجانا بألمانيا 2025

DAAD Scholarship Program
Application deadline
December 1st of each year, 23:59 CET (Central European Time);
Exception: In 2024, the portal will remain open up to and including 02 December 2024, 23:59 (Central European Time).
Applications are open from September 15 each year.
Application documents
Certificates, transcripts, attestations and translations can be submitted in uncertified form. The DAAD Head Office in Bonn reserves the right to request additional certified copies of the documents submitted.
Documents to be uploaded to the DAAD Portal:
– Online application form
– Complete curriculum vitae in tabular form (in German)
– Letter of motivation (in German)
– Transcripts of all university examinations taken in the last two years, with individual grades (with German or English translation)
– For undergraduate students: school leaving certificate with grades (with German or English translation)
– For graduate students in postgraduate studies: if applicable, last university degree certificate with final grade/s (with German or English translation)
– Language certificates (with German or English translation, if applicable)
– Other documents that you consider important for your application, if necessary with German or English translation (e.g. proof of internships, certificates of employment).
– Please submit your application online through the DAAD Portal only.
Please note
In the application form, you are asked to indicate three course preferences. You must fill in all fields and indicate different course locations. Your course preferences will be taken into account by the DAAD in the final placement, if possible. Important: The capacity for each course is limited. Therefore, the DAAD reserves the right to assign you to a different course than one of the preferred ones.
Once your application has been received, it is no longer possible to change your course preferences or change courses.
Only complete applications submitted by the deadline can be considered.
The application documents remain with the DAAD. Your personal data is saved by the DAAD in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act and with the EU Data Protection Regulation insofar as this data is needed to process the application.
آخر موعد للتقديم
ديسيمبر 1 2025