مرحبًا بك في عالم الكتابة والإبداع، فنحن جميعًا نسعى دائمًا لتقديم مقالات مميزة وذات جودة عالية. ومرحبا بكل زوار لموقعك افاليدا دوت كوم، نتمنى ان تكونوا بخير وعلى خير وفي تمام الصحة والعافية باذن الله ، سنضع بين ايديكم اليوم ان شاء الله مقال جديد بصبغة جديدة وهذه المرة سنتحدث عن العمل التطوعي في أمريكا 2025 تابع معي القراءة للنهاية وشارك المقال مع اصدقائك لتعم الفائدة فضلا ليس أمرا تابع معي لمعرفة كل التفاصيل ، لعلنا نفيدك
العمل التطوعي في أمريكا 2025

Volunteer Community
Alzheimer’s Association Community Representatives are community engagers that raise awareness of Alzheimer’s Association programs, provide basic disease information, and link consumers to Alzheimer’s Association services. Community Representatives:
– Represent the Alzheimer’s Association at a target of 12 community events / year (in person or virtually) in neighborhoods, rural counties, business and civic organizations or faith communities.
– Offer 20-minute Introduction to Alzheimer’s presentations for community organizations, congregations, civic organizations, sororities / fraternities, clubs and other locations.
– Promote support groups, education programs, Alzheimer & Brain Awareness Month, Walk to End Alzheimer’s, or The Longest Day using your local connections, bulletin boards, social media and physical displays in your community.
– Connect the Alzheimer’s Association to new community organizations and connect people with additional Association services and volunteer opportunities.
Apply Now
The Association is seeking volunteer candidates with:
- Self-motivated individual that is comfortable reaching out to individuals, organizations and families in need and connecting them to the Alzheimer’s Association.
- Excellent verbal and written communications skills and comfort with computers and email.
- Passionate about the Alzheimer’s Association mission with personal or professional experience with dementia preferred.
- Must be age 18 to apply. Background checks are required.
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